The Game is On…

Surprise surprise… The annual pilgrimage of countless red-badged, overly caffeinated youths to the nation’s capital has almost commenced, and for the first time, I can count myself among them.

After my appointment to one of the many institutions that dot the National Mall, I began to think about the various things that I would have to contend with living and working in DC. Like finding a bed that costs less than 4,000$ for the summer and isn’t in some basement 40 minutes away by metro. And clothes for the internship that mandates “you look professional every day of the year” including the days where you feel like a tub of lard and all you want to do is wear the comfiest sweats you have and your Ruth Bader Ginsburg sweatshirt. I guess food also is included in the list, but at this point I have kinda resigned myself to eating free handouts from events I work and the ever-inexpensive Top Ramen that my fellow college students so enjoy.

At this point however, I am determined to find my dream wardrobe, living arrangement, and eat only ramen on really special occasions. I figured I might as well chronicle my successes and failures this summer, starting with this blog. Thus,

Welcome to The Intern Game.

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